Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Valete - Revd Brin Singleton

It was announced at the Benefice service at Wickhambrook church on Sunday 22nd October 2017 that our rector, Revd Brin Singleton will be leaving us.

Please note plans will be put into place and as many services as possible will be covered during interregnum. Remember in your prayers the Benefice Ministry Team and Church Wardens who will have increased responsibility for interregnum.

There will be a Benefice service on 17th December for people to wish Brin well in his new appointment. This will be at Wickhambrook All Saints' at 10am.

Brin's Farewell Benefice service at Wickhambrook All Saints on 17th December 2017.

Brin wrote

Dear All

I made the following announcement at this morning’s benefice family service, notice of appointment will be made tomorrow across the diocese:-

I have accepted the post of priest-in-charge of the benefice of Haughley with Wetherden and Stowupland of this Diocese and so serve notice of my resignation, my last service to be Christmas Morning, my licensing to take place at the Church of the Assumption Haughley 7:30pm 16th January 2018.

With thanks for our time here, may I ask your prayers for Marion, Gregory and myself and for the parishioners of Haughley with Wetherden and Stowupland and for those whom God is calling to serve you.

We look forward to this new challenge and again give thanks for our time here among you.

Grace and Blessing


Last Modified Thursday 06 September 2018