Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Press and News - 11th June 2017

Ann retires as Elder


Ann Jones being presented with flowers after leading her last service as Elder

Today saw Ann lead her final service as an Elder in the Bansfield Benefice. A role she has held for over ten years. This closes the latest chapter in her association with the benefice. Having been a resident in Wickhambrook for many years now, Ann has been associated with All Saints' Wickhambrook where she was involved in running the Sunday School. Then for a number of years she was involved with the church in Haverhill.

But today we celebrated Ann's Eldership and we were led in a lovely service of Matins in one of her favourite churches, Lidgate St Mary. After the service speeches were given by the Rector, Revd Brin and the benefice's Reader, Philip. Ann was then presented with a token of our affection and thanks along with a card and flowers.

Thank you Ann for all you have done for the benefice over the years.

Ann's last service as an Elder at Lidgate church

Last Modified Thursday 06 September 2018