Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Press and News - 12th July 2020

We're Back! - Sunday services

Our first service

About 30 people gathered together at All Saints' Church, Wickhambrook on Sunday, 12 July. This was the first service since March and everyone was delighted to see their old friends in person. With the obligatory facemasks, smiles were partially hidden but that was a small price to pay in the circumstances.

Many had worked hard to ensure that the church was prepared to our arrival and elaborate measures put in place to make certain that all keep a safe distance apart. We were able to participate in Holy Communion, although the sharing of wine is not allowed, so was not an option!

The Rev'd Eve Bell welcomed the congregation with her customary beaming smile. Eve asked us to reflect on the past months. She said "We come together before God with thoughts of loss and grief, yet touched by memories of kindness and love."

All in all, a joyous service and one to be repeated weekly, we pray, from now onwards.
[Hugh Douglas-Pennant]

Arrangements for Sunday worship

Sunday services will be at All Saints' Wickhambrook until further notice as it is the largest and safest of our churches under current concerns about Covid-19. It would be great if doing the readings, intercessions and taking a turn at welcoming & safety could be shared by all our parishes over the coming weeks. This isn't just to spare Wickhambrook folk from having to do it all; it’s more about us all belonging to one worshipping community.

The government has requested all places of worship to maintain an attendance list for 21 days after each service in case it is needed by NHS Test & Trace for tracing known contacts of a member of the congregation who later develops symptoms of the virus. If you wish to attend for the first time since lockdown, please email Rev'd Eve Bell at so that your name can go on the list. When emailing, please make it clear you give your "consent for your name and phone number to be held for the NHS Test and Trace programme and this consent is valid for all services attended for such time as the programme exists".

Once you have given consent, you do not need to do anything further in this regard. Attend whenever you want, and it will be easy to tick your name!

Church risk assessments

As the churches are used for Occasional Offices eg baptisms, weddings and funerals, risk assessments for all of the churches will eventually be available here.

Cowlinge Risk assessment download

Lidgate Risk assessment download

Wickhambrook Risk assessment download

Please see our Facebook page for photos of the day.

Last Modified Friday 28 August 2020