Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Bell ringing

All the churches of the Bansfield Benefice have bells, however only three, Cowlinge, Stansfield and Stradishall have bells that can be rung - more information below.

To learn more about bell ringing in the county of Suffolk please go to the Suffolk Guild of Ringers website. [Also see the Rector's News Letter from April 2016.]

Nationally please see

Both Lidgate and Ousden churches chime their bells which means the bells are struck by a hammer controlled method via either a keyboard console (Ellacombe chimes) as in the case of Ousden or a rope as in the case of Lidgate.

The other churches of the benefice are listed below but Denston and Lidgate do not have a peal of bells for ringing only two each so are not listed.

  • St Nicholas' church, Denston - not listed
  • St Mary's church, Lidgate - not listed

Wickhambrook has a peal of five bells but due to the weakness of the bell frame they can not be rung. There is a hope that an Ellacombe chime apparatus can be installed so they can be heard.

Last Modified Sunday 29 October 2023