Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

The Wickhambrook Lute Manuscript

Wickhambrook is well known in the lute world due to the fact that a Miss Dulcie Lawrence-Smith owned a rare and famous lute manuscript. She lived here in the first part of the 20th Century (1936 - 1947). This manuscript was named The Wickhambrook Lute Manuscript and its contents are described below. Indeed it formed part of a DPhil thesis by Julia Craig-McFeely, a link to which can be found at The chapter that mentions Wickhambrook is chapter three - "Manuscripts: types, characteristics and compilation". Also see Appendix 1d (starting at page 61)

The Wickhambrook Lute Manuscript

Collegium Musicum: Yale University

Edited by Daphne E. R. Stephens

ISBN 0-89579-365-2 (1963) lii+126 pp.

"With 1,800 separate compositions, the Elizabethan solo lute repertory far exceeds that for virginals. Yet the lutenist has only 50 available in modern editions, while the keyboard player has 300 in the Fitzwilliam Book alone… This edition of The Wickhambrook Lute Manuscript helps redress the balance."

Robert Spencer, Musical Times, November 1964.


  • Jhonsons delighte (John Johnson);
  • Galiarde to delighte (John Johnson);
  • My Lord Strange his galiarde;
  • Quadrone pavene (John Johnson);
  • Galiarde of Clarkes (Anthony Holborne);
  • Tarletones riserrectione (John Dowland);
  • Pavan; Pavyne (Peter Philips);
  • "My Lord Willobeis tune" (John Dowland);
  • "Ma poure bourse"; "Si vous voules"; "Susanna"; "Oulde Spannyshe paven" Mistris Whittes thinge (John Dowland);
  • Levecha pavan (John Johnson) for two lutes;
  • Levecha pavan (John Johnson) for solo lute;
  • Levecha galliard (John Johnson) for two lutes;
  • Passymeasures pavan (John Johnson);
  • "Mounsers almane";
  • Almane (John Dowland);
  • "As I wente to Walsinghame"; Knowles his galiarde; Pavane (John Johnson);
  • Galiarde (John Johnson);
  • Grounde (John Johnson).

As I went to Walsingham.

Last Modified Wednesday 26 July 2023