Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Visitors' Book

The following are extracts taken from the current Visitors' Book (begun 9th Aug 2007) and its predecessor which dates back to the 7th April 1985. The criteria for inclusion on these web pages is one of general interest to the reader either due to the comment made or from where the visitor has come. The original visitors' book can be found in the church. Please have a look when you visit. Since April 2001 people are encouraged to add their thoughts as well as their address to the visitor's book which makes for more interesting reading. Please note a "?" denotes that the hand writing was too difficult to read. The book is split into five year sections on separate pages. By no means does everyone who visits the church sign the book so the numbers shown here can not be used as a guide to the visitor numbers we receive from year to year.

Interestingly the church has been visited by a number of well-known people, at least according to the Visitors' Book, namely Elvis Presley, King Arthur, Enid Blyton, the Pope and maybe not surprisingly Jesus.

Of related interest, there are messages from people interested in contacting forebears who leave information on the message board at the wickhambrook village website. This is a resource well worth checking.

Years 2010 - Date

2010 - Highlights To Date
Date Author Comments
11 Feb Steve Fonts
Peaceful and dignified

1985 - 1989 | 1990 - 1994 | 1995 - 1999 | 2000 - 2004 | 2005 - 2009 | 2010 - Date

Last Modified Friday 21 December 2012