Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Major Benefactors And Donations

The Restoration Committee and PCC would like to thank especially those who have made a major contribution to the appeal.

Charities & Trusts

The following organisations have been very generous to our restoration appeal and their contribution (in alphabetical order) is acknowledged below.

Diocese Church Buildings Committee

This charity has given the sum of £1,000 to Phase 1 of the church's restoration and £3,000 to Phase 3 from their Capital Fund.

English Heritage

This charity is by far our most generous fund giver contributing £24,581 for Phase 1 of the restoration work, £110,000 towards Phase 2. £7,000 towards Phase3a and £113,000 to Phase 3b. Please see their grant-aided page about All Saints'.

Gibson Foundation Trust

This foundation has given the sum of £2,000 to Phase 3 of the church's restoration.

Historic Churches Preservation Trust

This charity has given the sum of £1,000 to Phase 1 of the church's restoration and £5,000 to Phase 3. To find out further information about this charity please read the attached document.

Scarfe Trust

This trust has given £6,000 to Phase 3 of the restoration works.

Suffolk Historic Churches Trust

This Suffolk-based charity has given the sum of £5,000 to Phase 1 of the church's restoration, and £1,500 + £6,000 to Phase 3.

Wolfson Foundation

This foundation has given the sum of £4,000 to Phase 3 of the church's restoration.

Individual Benefactors

The Restoration Committee and PCC would like to thank especially those who have made an individual major contribution to the appeal. Often these benefactors wish to remain anonymous. All the same we would like to acknowledge them as a group and thank them sincerely for their contributions.

Last Modified Monday 02 February 2015