Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Deanery Share Apportionment

Deanery Share Apportionment
Parish 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
% increase - (5.8%) (2.7%) (10.0%) (17.3%*) (7.5%) (5.9%) (4.8%) (13.5%) (4.3%)
Cowlinge 3,737 3,978 4,369 4,806 5,671 6,000 6,308 6,620 7,500 7,750
Denston 3,880 3,978 4,369 4,806 5,671 6,000 6,308 6,620 7,500 7,750
Lidgate 3,737 3,978 4,369 4,806 5,671 6,000 6,308 6,620 7,500 7,750
Ousden 3,737 3,978 4,369 4,806 5,671 6,000 6,308 6,620 7,500 7,750
Stansfield 2,636 2,805 2,885 3,174 3,500 4,012 4,320 4,500 5,115 4,584
Stradishall 2,636 2,805 1,500 1,650 2,000 2,388 2,696 2,800 3,234 4,498
Wickhambrook 3,737 3,978 4,369 4,806 5,671 6,000 6,308 6,620 7,500 7,750
Share 24,100 25,500 26,230 28,854 33,855 36,400 38,556 40,400 45,849 47,832
Support - - 2,500 2,750 0 0 0 0 0 0

* minus Share support

Deanery Share Apportionment
Parish 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
% increase (-4.1%) (2.0%) (1.3%) (-10.6%) (-6.9%) (6.9%) (4.1%) (4.4%) (1.6%)
Cowlinge 6,185 6,308 6,391 5,812 5,432 5,842 5,842 5,938 6,115
Denston 8,000 8,160 8,268 7,590 7,094 7,630 7,630 5,938 6,115
Lidgate 7,000 7,140 7,234 6,565 6,137 6,600 6,600 6,362 5,707
Ousden 8,000 8,160 8,268 7,590 7,094 7,630 7,630 8,482 8,153
Stansfield 4,700 4,794 4,857 4,441 4,150 4,463 4,463 5,513 5,707
Stradishall 4,000 4,080 4,134 3,795 3,547 3,814 3,814 4,241 4,485
Wickhambrook 8,000 8,160 8,268 7,590 7,094 7,630 9,423 10,924 11,869
Share 45,885 46,802 47,420 43,383 40,548 43,609 45,402 47,398 48,151
Support 0 0 0 0 0 ** 0 0 0

** Transitional relief of 5% applied Centenary Assessment at 12.55%

Deanery Share Apportionment
Parish 2018 2019 2020*** 2021 2022 2023 2024
% increase (4.3%) (5.0%) (-20.4%) (-15.9%) (-2.7%) (6.1%) (2.4%)
Cowlinge 6,726 7,062 5,625 4,734 4,860 5,155 5,279
Denston 6,726 7,062 5,625 4,734 4,860 5,155 5,279
Lidgate 6,277 6,591 5,250 4,418 4,536 4,812 4,928
Ousden 8,967 9,415 7,500 6,312 6,480 6,874 7,040
Stansfield 6,277 6,591 5,250 4,418 4,536 4,812 4,928
Stradishall 4,932 5,179 4,125 3,471 3,564 3,780 3,872
Wickhambrook 10,312 10,828 8,625 7,258 7,452 7,905 8,096
Share 50,217 52,728 42,000 35,345 36,288 38,493 39,422
Support 0 0 13,364 0 0 0 0

*** Rector now 50 Percent post

Parish Breakdown
Parish* Population** Christian (%) ER*** 2011 ER 2014 Places of worship
Cowlinge 590 303 (55.3) 21 14 1
Denston 115 65 (62.5) 22 19 2
Lidgate 227 166 (68.9) 23 17 1
Ousden 240 190 (71.4) 23 19 1
Stansfield 212 124 (56.1) 22 22 1
Stradishall 502 277 (61.4) 10 11 1
Wickhambrook 1,249 788 (66.2) 21 21 3
Totals 3,135 1,913 142 123 10

* Parish data and ** Population taken from Suffolk Observatory. Source - Office for National Statistics (ONS)

*** Electoral Roll

The Church of England now has its Statistics for mission and financial records for parishes on-line at

Last Modified Tuesday 16 January 2024